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A member registered Jan 22, 2017

Recent community posts

Its quite infuriatingt o have put half a day in this game and be stopped by this

The worktable is in the middle of the yard and that bother me way more than it shoul

is it possible for you to make a fullscreen option winowed games make me sad

All that i can say about this is that it is a game. A game with lots of problems. This is not an insult. First off all i know you adressed this in the description but there is no real reason to play because of the lack of saves. Also You should be able to select multiple units at once. You should be able to assign units to mines and lumber mills instead of them just being there.

About the logs in the back. I dont know what they are used for but the idea i had was.

Press 2 to pull up the axe left click to cycle through different weapon heads, Logs respwan every day. Thats all

Wow Your dumb ass game cant handle spawning 9999999 bots. TERRIBLE

I recommend this game. I reccomend it more if you have a computer that can handle a 500 bot battle